Does your eye doctor know if you’re high? It’s an intriguing question that many of us may have wondered about. After all, eye doctors are experts when it comes to vision and they perform a variety of tests during an eye examination. But can they really tell if you’ve been indulging in recreational drugs?

Understanding the Eye Examination

Before we delve into whether your eye doctor can detect if you’re high, let’s first understand what happens during a routine eye examination. When you visit an eye doctor, they evaluate your overall eye health and assess your vision through a series of tests.

These tests include:

  • Visual acuity test
  • Refraction test
  • Slit-lamp examination
  • Dilated eye exam
  • Retinal examination

These tests help your eye doctor identify any potential issues with your eyes and determine the appropriate course of action. But can these tests also reveal if you’ve been using drugs?

Can Your Eye Doctor Tell If You’re High?

The short answer is yes – to an extent. While your eye doctor may not be able to specifically identify what substance you’ve used, they can detect certain physical changes in your eyes that may indicate drug use.

One effect of recreational drug use is the dilation or constriction of blood vessels in the eyes, known as ocular vasodilation or vasoconstriction. This can result in red or bloodshot eyes, and even changes in the size of your pupils.

During a routine eye examination, your eye doctor carefully examines the blood vessels in your eyes and assesses the size and responsiveness of your pupils. Any abnormalities can be potential signs of drug use.

However – Keep in Mind!

It’s important to note that dilated pupils or bloodshot eyes do not automatically mean you’re high. There are various factors that could cause similar symptoms, including fatigue, allergies, certain medications, or even certain medical conditions.

Your eye doctor won’t jump to conclusions based solely on the appearance of your eyes. They will take into account your overall health, medical history, and any other pertinent information before making any judgments or recommendations.

The Importance of Honesty

Being honest with your eye doctor is crucial in maintaining good eye health. If you’ve recently used drugs or are currently using them, it’s essential to disclose this information.

When you provide your eye doctor with accurate and honest information, they can better assess your overall eye health and make appropriate recommendations for your vision care. Remember, they are there to help you, not to judge you.

Keep in mind that patient-doctor confidentiality applies, so your eye doctor won’t disclose this information to anyone without your consent, unless required by law.


In conclusion – yes, your eye doctor may be able to detect physical signs that indicate drug use, such as bloodshot eyes or changes in pupil size. However, it is essential not to jump to conclusions based solely on these observations, as other factors can cause similar symptoms.

Being honest with your eye doctor about drug use or any other relevant information is crucial for them to provide you with the best possible care. Remember, your eye doctor is there to support you in maintaining your eye health, so don’t hesitate to have an open and honest conversation.